Sunday, March 30, 2008

US Army: video games...fiction or reality?

Please have a look....
from the website
"Experience some of what the Army has to offer without leaving your home — and have fun while doing it!"
click here to know more...


Roy said...

I think this is what we are talking about in class--something that people claim to be "fake" or "not real" is idealized as real. Little kids growing up playing these games are, in a sense, being trained to want to do these "fake" things in real life. The army is picking up on this and using this as a marketing technique to recruit...and people say there is no influence of violent video games...

Unknown said...

In fact I play war videogames since 1987 and I always went to school preparing a massacre...

3rd millennium witch-hunters? plz stop saying bullshits about VG that make children more violent.